The Great Lobster Cookbook: More than 100 recipes to cook at home
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The Great Lobster Cookbook: More than 100 recipes to cook at home

The Great Lobster Cookbook: More than 100 recipes to cook at home
The Great Lobster Cookbook: More than 100 recipes to cook at home

Автор: Matt Dean Pettit
Название: The Great Lobster Cookbook: More than сто recipes to cook at home
Издательство: Appetite by Random House
ISBN: 0449016285
Год: 2014
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 23,7 МБ
Язык: Английский
Количество страничек: 216
Описание: Lobster has long been thought of as a staple of haute cuisine and a dish of indulgence, something that only a true expert in the kitchen can perfectly execute.
From Matt Dean Pettit, chef and owner of Rock Lobster Food Co., comes a collection of more than сто simple and delicious lobster recipes showing how fun, easy, and stress-free cooking with lobster can be.
A lobster lover since he was a little boy, Matt Dean Pettit started Rock Lobster Food Co. after an eye-opening experience on the East Coast. He had eaten lobster everywhere he could find it, from fresh-off-the-dock to dive bars, and was left wondering why lobster could be so readily available(and so reasonably priced)at the source but reserved for high-end restaurants across the rest of the country. He pledged then and there to bring lobster to the masses.
The Great Lobster Cookbook includes more than сто of Matt’s best recipes—from the famous Rock Lobster Roll and the Classic Lobster Boil to Lobster Eggs Benny, Lobster Poutine, and even a mouthwatering recipe for Vanilla Bean Lobster Ice Cream. Star chefs, such as Mark McEwan and Roger Mooking, also share their favorite lobster dishes.
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Автор: Matt Dean Pettit Название: The Great Lobster Cookbook: More than сто recipes to cook at home Издательство: Appetite by Random House ISBN: 0449016285 Год: 2014 Формат: EPUB Размер: 23,7 МБ Язык: Английский Количество страничек: 216 Описание: Lobster has long been thought of as a staple of haute cuisine and a dish of indulgence, something that only a true expert in the kitchen can perfectly execute. From Matt Dean Pettit, chef and owner of Rock Lobster Food Co., comes a collection of more than сто simple and delicious lobster recipes showing how fun, easy, and stress-free cooking with lobster can be. A lobster lover since he was a little boy, Matt Dean Pettit started Rock Lobster Food Co. after an eye-opening experience on the East Coast. He had eaten lobster everywhere he could find it, from fresh-off-the-dock to dive bars, and was left wondering why lobster could be so readily available(and so reasonably priced)at the source but reserved for high-end restaurants across the rest of the country. He pledged then and there to bring lobster to the masses. The Great Lobster Cookbook includes more than сто of Matt’s best recipes—from the famous Rock Lobster Roll and the Classic Lobster Boil to Lobster Eggs Benny, Lobster Poutine, and even a mouthwatering recipe for Vanilla Bean Lobster Ice Cream. Star chefs, such as Mark McEwan and Roger Mooking, also share their favorite lobster dishes.

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