Balanced Raw: Combine Raw and Cooked Foods for Optimal Health, Weight Loss, and Vitality Burst
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Balanced Raw: Combine Raw and Cooked Foods for Optimal Health, Weight Loss, and Vitality Burst

Balanced Raw: Combine Raw and Cooked Foods for Optimal Health, Weight Loss, and Vitality Burst
Balanced Raw: Combine Raw and Cooked Foods for Optimal Health, Weight Loss, and Vitality Burst

Название:Balanced Raw: Combine Raw and Cooked Foods for Optimal Health, Weight Loss, and Vitality Burst
ИздательствоFair Winds Press; 1 edition:
Автор:June 1, 2013
Год: 2013
Формат: epub
Размер:35,9 Mb
A growing number of health practitioners—as well as restaurants and celebrities such as Sting, Madonna, and Beyonce—are espousing raw food or “living food” diets as a way to stave off disease, boost energy, and lose weight. However, 100% raw diets are difficult to sustain and have come under fire recently for not being nutritionally optimal. Balanced Raw eschews the all-or-nothing approach of other books and contains a 4-phase, 30-day plan for making the raw food lifestyle livable for life. Start your balanced raw lifestyle today!
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Название:Balanced Raw: Combine Raw and Cooked Foods for Optimal Health, Weight Loss, and Vitality Burst ИздательствоFair Winds Press; 1 edition: Автор:June 1, 2013 Год: 2013 Язык:English Формат: epub Размер:35,9 Mb A growing number of health practitioners—as well as restaurants and celebrities such as Sting, Madonna, and Beyonce—are espousing raw food or “living food” diets as a way to stave off disease, boost energy, and lose weight. However, 100% raw diets are difficult to sustain and have come under fire recently for not being nutritionally optimal. Balanced Raw eschews the all-or-nothing approach of other books and contains a 4-phase, 30-day plan for making the raw food lifestyle livable for life. Start your balanced raw lifestyle today!

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