The French Kitchen Cookbook: Recipes and Lessons from Paris and Provence
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The French Kitchen Cookbook: Recipes and Lessons from Paris and Provence

The French Kitchen Cookbook: Recipes and Lessons from Paris and Provence
The French Kitchen Cookbook: Recipes and Lessons from Paris and Provence

Название:The French Kitchen Cookbook: Recipes and Lessons from Paris and Provence
Автор:Patricia Wells
Издательство:William Morrow Cookbooks
Размер:24 mb
With The French Kitchen Cookbook, culinary legend Patricia Wells invites home cooks into her life in France, making the fresh and delicious recipes from her popular classes available to fans who dream of experiencing their own gastronomic adventure in the world's culinary capital.
Beautifully designed and lavishly illustrated with stunning color photos, The French Kitchen Cookbook is a compilation and reflection on what she and her students have learned. Patricia Wells's meticulously written recipes express the basics—the rules that will help anyone become a better cook, while providing the deep satisfaction that comes from creating exquisite food from the freshest ingredients.
Here are some of her best recipes for appetizers, desserts, and everything in between, dishes inspired by the vibrant Provençal countryside and the bustle of Parisian life, including Miniature Onion and Goat Cheese Tatins, Zucchini and Basil Velouté, Fricassée of Chicken with Fennel, Capers, Tomatoes and Sausage, and Apricot Lavender Honey Sorbet.

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Название:The French Kitchen Cookbook: Recipes and Lessons from Paris and Provence Автор:Patricia Wells Издательство:William Morrow Cookbooks Год:2013 Язык:English Формат:epub Размер:24 mb Страниц:320 With The French Kitchen Cookbook, culinary legend Patricia Wells invites home cooks into her life in France, making the fresh and delicious recipes from her popular classes available to fans who dream of experiencing their own gastronomic adventure in the world's culinary capital. Beautifully designed and lavishly illustrated with stunning color photos, The French Kitchen Cookbook is a compilation and reflection on what she and her students have learned. Patricia Wells's meticulously written recipes express the basics—the rules that will help anyone become a better cook, while providing the deep satisfaction that comes from creating exquisite food from the freshest ingredients. Here are some of her best recipes for appetizers, desserts, and everything in between, dishes inspired by the vibrant Provençal countryside and the bustle of Parisian life, including Miniature Onion and Goat Cheese Tatins, Zucchini and Basil Velouté, Fricassée of Chicken with Fennel, Capers, Tomatoes and Sausage, and Apricot Lavender Honey Sorbet. скачать с Depositefiles скачать с

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