The Complete Kitchen Garden: An Inspired Collection of Garden Designs and 100 Seasonal Recipes

Название:The Complete Kitchen Garden: An Inspired Collection of Garden Designs and сто Seasonal Recipes
Автор:Ellen Ecker Ogden
Издательство: Stewart, Tabori and Chang
Размер:8 mb
The Complete Kitchen Garden is an inspiring collection of garden designs and recipes for the home gardener and cook. based on the seasonal cycles of the garden, each chapter provides a new way to look at the planning stages with themes and designs such as "the salad lover's garden," "the heirloom maze garden," "the children's garden," and "the organic rotation garden." More than сто recipes featuring the food grown in each specific garden encompass a full range of soups, salads, main course savory dishes, and desserts, as well as condiments and garnish to dress up the plate.
Praise for The Complete Kitchen Garden:
“With charming hand-drawn planting plans, bright color photos, and tempting recipes.... Ms. Ogden’s book arms wannabe gardeners with all the tools to plan a productive garden before seeds ever meet the ground.”
—Wall Street Journal
"There's no reason a vegetable garden must be an eyesore, banished to the corner by the garage.... The Complete Kitchen Garden... combines design advice, garden wisdom and recipes."
-The Chicago Tribune
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Название:The Complete Kitchen Garden: An Inspired Collection of Garden Designs and сто Seasonal Recipes Автор:Ellen Ecker Ogden Издательство: Stewart, Tabori and Chang Год:2011 Язык:English Формат:epub Размер:8 mb Страниц:256 The Complete Kitchen Garden is an inspiring collection of garden designs and recipes for the home gardener and cook. based on the seasonal cycles of the garden, each chapter provides a new way to look at the planning stages with themes and designs such as "the salad lover's garden," "the heirloom maze garden," "the children's garden," and "the organic rotation garden." More than сто recipes featuring the food grown in each specific garden encompass a full range of soups, salads, main course savory dishes, and desserts, as well as condiments and garnish to dress up the plate. Praise for The Complete Kitchen Garden: “With charming hand-drawn planting plans, bright color photos, and tempting recipes Ms. Ogden’s book arms wannabe gardeners with all the tools to plan a productive garden before seeds ever meet the ground.” —Wall Street Journal "There's no reason a vegetable garden must be an eyesore, banished to the corner by the garage The Complete Kitchen Garden. combines design advice, garden wisdom and recipes." -The Chicago Tribune скачать с Depositefiles скачать с