From a Polish Country House Kitchen: 90 Recipes for the Ultimate Comfort Food
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From a Polish Country House Kitchen: 90 Recipes for the Ultimate Comfort Food

From a Polish Country House Kitchen: 90 Recipes for the Ultimate Comfort Food
From a Polish Country House Kitchen: 90 Recipes for the Ultimate Comfort Food
Название:From a Polish Country House Kitchen: 90 Recipes for the Ultimate Comfort Food
Автор:Anne Applebaum, Danielle Crittenden, Bogdan & Dorota Bialy
Издательство:Chronicle Books
Размер:35 mb
With more than 150 splendid photographs, headnotes that illuminate Poland's vibrant food culture, and more than 90 recipes for classic and contemporary Polish food, this unique and fascinating cookbook brings an ignored cuisine to light.
Pulitzer Prize-winner Anne Applebaum has lived in Poland since before the fall of communism, and this cookbook—nourished by her engagement with the culture and food of her adopted country—offers a tantalizing look into the turbulent history of this beautiful region.
In a Polish Country House Kitchen celebrates long-distance friendships with a love of food at the core, bringing the good, sustaining foods of Anne's Polish country home into kitchens the world over.

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Название:From a Polish Country House Kitchen: 90 Recipes for the Ultimate Comfort Food Автор:Anne Applebaum, Danielle Crittenden, Bogdan

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