The Home Brewer's Guide to Vintage Beer: Rediscovered Recipes for Classic Brews Dating from 1800 to 1965
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The Home Brewer's Guide to Vintage Beer: Rediscovered Recipes for Classic Brews Dating from 1800 to 1965

The Home Brewer's Guide to Vintage Beer: Rediscovered Recipes for Classic Brews Dating from 1800 to 1965
The Home Brewer's Guide to Vintage Beer: Rediscovered Recipes for Classic Brews Dating from 1800 to 1965

Название: The Home Brewer's Guide to Vintage Beer: Rediscovered Recipes for Classic Brews Dating from 1800 to 1965
Издательство: Quarry books
Автор: Ronald Pattinson,
Год: 2014
Количество страниц:160
Размер:20 Mb
Raise a glass to vintage beer!Treat yourself to a tour through time with this historical collection of beer recipes from 1800 to 1950. Within these pages, you’ll discover timeless recipes, along with drink profiles, and tales of how these tasty brews became a part of the evolution of beer. Each chapter delves into a different style of beer: porter, stout, pale ale, mild ale, stock ale, burton ale, scotch ale, brown ale, dinner ale, light ale, table beer, and more, and explores the history of each style with recipes representative of different periods in time. Whether you choose to adapt the recipes to suit your palette or recreate them, you’ll bring history to life with each brew you make. Learn how beer has evolved over the last two hundred years and how you can easily recreate authentic recipes right in your own home.
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Название: The Home Brewer's Guide to Vintage Beer: Rediscovered Recipes for Classic Brews Dating from 1800 to 1965 Издательство: Quarry books Автор: Ronald Pattinson, Год: 2014 Количество страниц:160 Язык:English Формат:pdf Размер:20 Mb Raise a glass to vintage beer!Treat yourself to a tour through time with this historical collection of beer recipes from 1800 to 1950. Within these pages, you’ll discover timeless recipes, along with drink profiles, and tales of how these tasty brews became a part of the evolution of beer. Each chapter delves into a different style of beer: porter, stout, pale ale, mild ale, stock ale, burton ale, scotch ale, brown ale, dinner ale, light ale, table beer, and more, and explores the history of each style with recipes representative of different periods in time. Whether you choose to adapt the recipes to suit your palette or recreate them, you’ll bring history to life with each brew you make. Learn how beer has evolved over the last two hundred years and how you can easily recreate authentic recipes right in your own home.

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