Joey Green's Kitchen Magic: 1,882 Quick Cooking Tricks, Cleaning Hints, and Kitchen Remedies Using Your Favorite Brand-Name Products

Название Joey Green's Kitchen Magic: 1,882 Quick Cooking Tricks, Cleaning Hints, and Kitchen Remedies Using Your Favorite Brand-Name Products
Издательство: RODALE
Автор: Joey Green
Год: 2012
Количество страниц:384
Формат: pdf
Размер:13 Mb
From the guru of brand-new uses for brand-name products come ideas and tips for culinary fun, cleaning shortcuts, and kitchen cabinet remedies. Joey Green has fascinated readers for more than a decade with his quirky and innovative tips to make domestic engineering a lot more fun. Now fans will be completely intrigued and entertained by Joey’s kitchen- and pantry-focused ideas, like using Canada Dry Club Soda to buff stainless steel appliances and flexible fabric Band-Aids as labels for frozen foods.
Filled with time- and money-saving ideas, Joey Green’s Kitchen Magic offers clever ways to make household items do double duty, like using ReaLemon for revitalizing wilted asparagus, L’eggs Panty Hose(clean, of course)for removing corn silk, and Oral-B Dental Floss for slicing layer cake. He shares unusual ideas for kitchen troubles, like stirring in Jif Peanut Butter to save burnt gravy and using Efferdent to clean the coffeepot. Joey even tosses in home remedies from the kitchen(soothe a blister with Carnation Nonfat Dry Milk)and simple recipes(try Slow-Cooker Brisket with a Coca-Cola marinade).
Whether it’s a quick fix(Eggo Waffles for hot dog buns, anyone?) or an emergency substitution(Bounty Paper Towel for a coffee filter), there are loads of useful and entertaining tips for making the most of brand-name purchases.
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Название Joey Green's Kitchen Magic: 1,882 Quick Cooking Tricks, Cleaning Hints, and Kitchen Remedies Using Your Favorite Brand-Name Products Издательство: RODALE Автор: Joey Green Год: 2012 Количество страниц:384 Язык:English Формат: pdf Размер:13 Mb From the guru of brand-new uses for brand-name products come ideas and tips for culinary fun, cleaning shortcuts, and kitchen cabinet remedies. Joey Green has fascinated readers for more than a decade with his quirky and innovative tips to make domestic engineering a lot more fun. Now fans will be completely intrigued and entertained by Joey’s kitchen- and pantry-focused ideas, like using Canada Dry Club Soda to buff stainless steel appliances and flexible fabric Band-Aids as labels for frozen foods. Filled with time- and money-saving ideas, Joey Green’s Kitchen Magic offers clever ways to make household items do double duty, like using ReaLemon for revitalizing wilted asparagus, L’eggs Panty Hose(clean, of course)for removing corn silk, and Oral-B Dental Floss for slicing layer cake. He shares unusual ideas for kitchen troubles, like stirring in Jif Peanut Butter to save burnt gravy and using Efferdent to clean the coffeepot. Joey even tosses in home remedies from the kitchen(soothe a blister with Carnation Nonfat Dry Milk)and simple recipes(try Slow-Cooker Brisket with a Coca-Cola marinade). Whether it’s a quick fix(Eggo Waffles for hot dog buns, anyone?) or an emergency substitution(Bounty Paper Towel for a coffee filter), there are loads of useful and entertaining tips for making the most of brand-name purchases.