Cook This, Not That! Skinny Comfort Foods

Автор: David Zinczenko; Matt Goulding
Название: Cook This, Not That!Skinny Comfort Foods
Язык: English
Издательство: New York: Galvanized Books
Год: 2014
Формат: pdf
Размер: 31,4 mb
Страниц: 368
Indulge your most decadent food cravings with fast, easy, and delicious recipes that strip away pounds and put dollars back in your pocket. Discover the weigh-loss power of comfort-food classics, based on America's most popular restaurant favorites and reimagined just for you by the authors of the bestselling Eat This, Not That!
Studies show that when people eat out they consume hundreds more calories than they would if they ate at home. So it stands to reason that cooking and eating more meals at home is one of the most effective strategies to lose belly fat. That's why David Zinczenko and Matt Goulding, who have helped millions order smarter at restaurants, now extend their life-altering advice to America's kitchens.
Cook This, Not That!Skinny Comfort Foods is not a typical cookbook. Along with recipes, it delivers an intelligent(and tasty!) strategy for controlling the number of calories you consume. By starting with the best ingredients and the right plan, cooks of any skill level can create delicious meals that actually help them burn more body fat. Best of all, these recipes produce traditional comfort foods, including macaroni and cheese, hamburgers, pizzas, grilled cheese sandwiches' even chocolate chip cookies. Here's the logic: if these foods satisfy your hunger and taste buds, you'll be far less likely to rush for a bag of chips or tub of ice cream two hours after dinner. Cook This, Not That!books have reintroduced hundreds of thousands of people to the joy of cooking by making meal preparation fast and easy. Achieve restaurant tastes right in your own kitchen for a lot less money and much fewer calories.
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Recipes by Chapter
Chapter 1: Skinny Pantry
Chapter 2: Breakfast
Chapter 3: Appetizers
Chapter 4: Soups & Salads
Chapter 5: Burgers & Sandwiches
Chapter 6: Pizzas & Pasta
Chapter 7: Poultry
Chapter 8: Red Meat
Chapter 9: Seafood
Chapter 10: Ethnic Foods
Chapter 11: Vegetable Sides
Chapter 12: Desserts
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Автор: David Zinczenko; Matt Goulding Название: Cook This, Not That!Skinny Comfort Foods Язык: English Издательство: New York: Galvanized Books Год: 2014 Формат: pdf Размер: 31,4 mb Страниц: 368 Indulge your most decadent food cravings with fast, easy, and delicious recipes that strip away pounds and put dollars back in your pocket. Discover the weigh-loss power of comfort-food classics, based on America's most popular restaurant favorites and reimagined just for you by the authors of the bestselling Eat This, Not That! Studies show that when people eat out they consume hundreds more calories than they would if they ate at home. So it stands to reason that cooking and eating more meals at home is one of the most effective strategies to lose belly fat. That's why David Zinczenko and Matt Goulding, who have helped millions order smarter at restaurants, now extend their life-altering advice to America's kitchens. Cook This, Not That!Skinny Comfort Foods is not a typical cookbook. Along with recipes, it delivers an intelligent(and tasty!) strategy for controlling the number of calories you consume. By starting with the best ingredients and the right plan, cooks of any skill level can create delicious meals that actually help them burn more body fat. Best of all, these recipes produce traditional comfort foods, including macaroni and cheese, hamburgers, pizzas, grilled cheese sandwiches' even chocolate chip cookies. Here's the logic: if these foods satisfy your hunger and taste buds, you'll be far less likely to rush for a bag of chips or tub of ice cream two hours after dinner. Cook This, Not That!books have reintroduced hundreds of thousands of people to the joy of cooking by making meal preparation fast and easy. Achieve restaurant tastes right in your own kitchen for a lot less money and much fewer calories. Acknowledgments Social Media Introduction Recipes by Chapter Chapter 1: Skinny Pantry Chapter 2: Breakfast Chapter 3: Appetizers Chapter 4: Soups