Better Homes and Gardens: 365 Comfort Foods (Better Homes and Gardens Cooking)

Название:Better Homes and Gardens: 365 Comfort Foods(Better Homes and Gardens Cooking)
Издательство:Better Homes & Gardens; 1 edition
Серия:Better Homes and Gardens Cooking
Автор: Better Homes and Gardens Cooking
Год: October 29, 2013
Размер:40 Mb
Comfort food nourishes the soul as well as the body; think chicken noodle soup, pot roast, and apple pie. This enticing food isn’t just for special days—with the expertise of Better Homes and Gardens, comfort food can be enjoyed any day of the year. Included are can’t-miss classics that cover main dishes, sides, soups, snacks, baked goods, and desserts.
Two bonus chapters add extra value: “Comfort Classics Made Healthy,” for those watching what they eat, and “30-Minute Meals,” for cooks short on time who still want a home-cooked meal. Helpful tips and sidebars offer advice covering essential cooking and baking basics, plus “Make It Mine” features show mix-and-match recipes, such as casseroles and mashed potatoes, that let cooks create varied, personalized dishes.
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Название:Better Homes and Gardens: 365 Comfort Foods(Better Homes and Gardens Cooking) Издательство:Better Homes