Flavors of India & Africa
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Flavors of India & Africa

Flavors of India & Africa
Flavors of India & Africa
Автор:Khatoon Gulamani
Название:Flavors of India & Africa: More than сто tasty family recipes
Издательство:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Размер:11.61 MB
Язык: Английский
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This cookbook features the traditional Indian and East African foods the author was raised with, as well as new dishes influenced by her experiences in North America. This book is a great source of information for anyone seeking to discover eclectic dishes. This book is filled with recipes collected throughout Khatoon's lifetime that will delight your palate and invigorate your senses. She combines her knowledge and technique with beautiful photographs. Recipes in this book take you step by step through the process of creating delicious, aromatic style dishes using ingredients found in most supermarkets. With a few simple steps you can create a meal that your entire family will enjoy.

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Автор:Khatoon Gulamani Название:Flavors of India

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