Okonomiyaki: Japanese Comfort Food
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Okonomiyaki: Japanese Comfort Food

Okonomiyaki: Japanese Comfort Food
Okonomiyaki: Japanese Comfort Food

Автор: Yoshio Saito
Название: Okonomiyaki: Japanese Comfort Food
Издательство: Trafford
ISBN: 1466908149
Год: 2012
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 3,6 МБ
Язык: Английский
Количество страничек: 116
Описание: For Chef Yoshio Saito, learning to cook traditional Japanese food at his mother's side was a treasured part of his childhood. When she died when he was fourteen, he decided to honor her memory by learning how to cook her recipes and more. In this cookbook, Chef Yoshio, a Tokyo native and trained French/Japanese fusion chef, introduces today's modern home cook to Okonomiyaki, one of the most popular comfort foods in Japan. Okonomiyaki, although difficult to describe, can be likened to a savory pancake or pizza-like dish that is cooked on a griddle. Following on the tail of the popularity of sushi, Okonomiyaki is an exciting dish just becoming known in the United States. It uses a wide range of ingredients, including meat, seafood, vegetables, pasta, and more. When Chef Yoshio walks into an Okonomiyaki restaurant, he always gets the sense that his mother is there, helping to create the wonderful smells. For him, the taste of Okonomiyaki is the taste of home. Gathering his favorite recipes, Chef Yoshio shares his tips for three major regional styles of this comfort food in this cookbook-Hiroshima, Osaka, and Tokyo styles. As well as introducing classic Okonomiyaki dishes, Chef Yoshio shares his creative new dishes that expand the possibilities of Okonomiyaki.

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Автор: Yoshio Saito Название: Okonomiyaki: Japanese Comfort Food Издательство: Trafford ISBN: 1466908149 Год: 2012 Формат: EPUB Размер: 3,6 МБ Язык: Английский Количество страничек: 116 Описание: For Chef Yoshio Saito, learning to cook traditional Japanese food at his mother's side was a treasured part of his childhood. When she died when he was fourteen, he decided to honor her memory by learning how to cook her recipes and more. In this cookbook, Chef Yoshio, a Tokyo native and trained French/Japanese fusion chef, introduces today's modern home cook to Okonomiyaki, one of the most popular comfort foods in Japan. Okonomiyaki, although difficult to describe, can be likened to a savory pancake or pizza-like dish that is cooked on a griddle. Following on the tail of the popularity of sushi, Okonomiyaki is an exciting dish just becoming known in the United States. It uses a wide range of ingredients, including meat, seafood, vegetables, pasta, and more. When Chef Yoshio walks into an Okonomiyaki restaurant, he always gets the sense that his mother is there, helping to create the wonderful smells. For him, the taste of Okonomiyaki is the taste of home. Gathering his favorite recipes, Chef Yoshio shares his tips for three major regional styles of this comfort food in this cookbook-Hiroshima, Osaka, and Tokyo styles. As well as introducing classic Okonomiyaki dishes, Chef Yoshio shares his creative new dishes that expand the possibilities of Okonomiyaki. dfiles.ru turbobit.net

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