Egyptian Magic: The Forbidden Secrets of Ancient Egypt
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Egyptian Magic: The Forbidden Secrets of Ancient Egypt

Egyptian Magic: The Forbidden Secrets of Ancient Egypt
Egyptian Magic: The Forbidden Secrets of Ancient Egypt
Автор: Daniel Ackerman
Название: Egyptian Magic: The Forbidden Secrets of Ancient Egypt
Издательство: Astrolog Publishing House
Год: 2003
Страниц: 112
Формат: PDF
Язык: English
Размер: 166Мб
Качество: Хорошее

This overview of ancient Egyptian magic explores the uses and history of white and black magic among Egyptian sorcerers. Discussed are Egyptian priests who were known for their magical prowess; the great importance of spells and magic in ancient Egyptian daily life; and the many symbols, talismans, and magic words that derived from ancient Egypt. Compelling research drawn from written accounts on preserved papyrus and headstones is revealed.
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Автор: Daniel Ackerman Название: Egyptian Magic: The Forbidden Secrets of Ancient Egypt Издательство: Astrolog Publishing House Год: 2003 Страниц: 112 Формат: PDF Язык: English Размер: 166Мб Качество: Хорошее This overview of ancient Egyptian magic explores the uses and history of white and black magic among Egyptian sorcerers. Discussed are Egyptian priests who were known for their magical prowess; the great importance of spells and magic in ancient Egyptian daily life; and the many symbols, talismans, and magic words that derived from ancient Egypt. Compelling research drawn from written accounts on preserved papyrus and headstones is revealed.

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