The Devil: A New Biography
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The Devil: A New Biography

The Devil: A New Biography
The Devil: A New Biography

Название : The Devil: A New Biography
Автор : Philip C. Almond
Издательство: JCS Publishing Services Ltd
Год издания : 2014
Страниц: 288
Формат : EPUB
Размер файла: 14 MB
Язык : English
It is often said that the devil has all the best tunes. He also has as many names as he has guises. Lucifer, Mephistopheles, Beelzebub in Christian thought, Ha-Satan or the Adversary in Jewish scripture and Iblis or Shaitan in Islamic tradition has throughout the ages and across civilizations been a compelling and charismatic presence.
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Название : The Devil: A New Biography Автор : Philip C. Almond Издательство: JCS Publishing Services Ltd Год издания : 2014 Страниц: 288 Формат : EPUB Размер файла: 14 MB Язык : English It is often said that the devil has all the best tunes. He also has as many names as he has guises. Lucifer, Mephistopheles, Beelzebub in Christian thought, Ha-Satan or the Adversary in Jewish scripture and Iblis or Shaitan in Islamic tradition has throughout the ages and across civilizations been a compelling and charismatic presence. Скачать с Скачать с

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