Principles of Druidry: The Only Introduction You'll Ever Need
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Principles of Druidry: The Only Introduction You'll Ever Need

Principles of Druidry: The Only Introduction You'll Ever Need
Principles of Druidry: The Only Introduction You'll Ever Need
Автор:Emma Restall Orr
Название:Principles of Druidry: The Only Introduction You'll Ever Need
Series: Thorsons Principles Series
Размер:10.11 MB
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Druids respect the earth and our ancestors, honor the spirits of nature and celebrate individuality and creativity. This is a comprehensive introduction to a compelling spiritual tradition that is more popular today than ever.
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Автор:Emma Restall Orr Название:Principles of Druidry: The Only Introduction You'll Ever Need Издательство:Thorsons Series: Thorsons Principles Series Год:1999 Формат:PDF Размер:10.11 MB Язык:Английский Для сайта: Druids respect the earth and our ancestors, honor the spirits of nature and celebrate individuality and creativity. This is a comprehensive introduction to a compelling spiritual tradition that is more popular today than ever.

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