The Magical Battle of Britain
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The Magical Battle of Britain

The Magical Battle of Britain
The Magical Battle of Britain
Автор:Dion Fortune / Дион Форчун
Название:The Magical Battle of Britain / Магическая Битва за Британию
Издательство:Golden Gates Press
Размер:5.38 MB
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Immediately following Germany’s invasion of Poland, which resulted in Britain’s declaration of war, Dion Fortune, founder of one of the world’s foremost magical orders — The Society of The Inner Light — initiated a magical programme designed to thwart the expansionsist intentions of the Third Reich.

Now those instruction papers have been released from the archives of her school. Accompanied by a commentary from Gareth Knight, himself a member of Dion Fortune’s fraternity, these teachings offer astonishing insights into the workings of a genuine esoteric school and their — until now — hidden yet significant contribution to the Allied war effort.
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Автор:Dion Fortune / Дион Форчун Название:The Magical Battle of Britain / Магическая Битва за Британию Издательство:Golden Gates Press Год:1993 Формат:PDF Размер:5.38 MB Язык:Английский Для сайта: Immediately following Germany’s invasion of Poland, which resulted in Britain’s declaration of war, Dion Fortune, founder of one of the world’s foremost magical orders — The Society of The Inner Light — initiated a magical programme designed to thwart the expansionsist intentions of the Third Reich. Now those instruction papers have been released from the archives of her school. Accompanied by a commentary from Gareth Knight, himself a member of Dion Fortune’s fraternity, these teachings offer astonishing insights into the workings of a genuine esoteric school and their — until now — hidden yet significant contribution to the Allied war effort.

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