Secret Societies and Subversive Movements
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Secret Societies and Subversive Movements

Secret Societies and Subversive Movements
Secret Societies and Subversive Movements
Автор:Nesta H. Webster / Неста Хелен Вебстер
Название:Secret Societies and Subversive Movements
Издательство:London:Boswell Publishing Co., Ltd.,
Размер:1.12 MB
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"Secret Societies and Subversive Movements" by the British patriot Nesta H. Webster is a fascinating account of the various secret and subversive movements which have plotted against both throne and altar from the most ancient times to the modern day. The book relies on Webster's previous research regarding the French revolution and the "World revolution" as well as various documents by individuals such as the Abbe Barruel and Professor Robison outlining the growth and development of secret societies. The book is cleanly divided into two halves, the first focusing on the past and the second focusing on the present day(the book was written in 1924 following the horrors of the First World War). Webster's book makes for fascinating reading, explaining fully the rise of secret societies and subversive movements from their most ancient origins in various mystery cults until her time.
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Автор:Nesta H. Webster / Неста Хелен Вебстер Название:Secret Societies and Subversive Movements Издательство:London:Boswell Publishing Co., Ltd., Год:1924 Формат:DJVU Размер:1.12 MB Язык:Английский Для сайта: "Secret Societies and Subversive Movements" by the British patriot Nesta H. Webster is a fascinating account of the various secret and subversive movements which have plotted against both throne and altar from the most ancient times to the modern day. The book relies on Webster's previous research regarding the French revolution and the "World revolution" as well as various documents by individuals such as the Abbe Barruel and Professor Robison outlining the growth and development of secret societies. The book is cleanly divided into two halves, the first focusing on the past and the second focusing on the present day(the book was written in 1924 following the horrors of the First World War). Webster's book makes for fascinating reading, explaining fully the rise of secret societies and subversive movements from their most ancient origins in various mystery cults until her time.

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