The Occult Establishment
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The Occult Establishment

The Occult Establishment
The Occult Establishment
Автор:James Webb
Название:The Occult Establishment
Издательство:Open Court Publishing Company
Размер:56.86 MB
Язык: Английский
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James Webb provides a fine look into the world of the irrational in this book. The book includes everything from Nazis and the occult, to Jungian psychiatry, to the counterculture of the Sixties. Wherever man exists, there will be a need to imagine a better world, and it is this ability of imagination that allows him to construct the occult fantasy. In this book Webb traces these circles as they have developed throughout history.

Автор:James Webb Название:The Occult Establishment Издательство:Open Court Publishing Company Год:1976 Формат:PDF Размер:56.86 MB Язык: Английский Для сайта: James Webb provides a fine look into the world of the irrational in this book. The book includes everything from Nazis and the occult, to Jungian psychiatry, to the counterculture of the Sixties. Wherever man exists, there will be a need to imagine a better world, and it is this ability of imagination that allows him to construct the occult fantasy. In this book Webb traces these circles as they have developed throughout history.

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