Desserts In Jars - Easy Bake And No Bake Recipes
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Desserts In Jars - Easy Bake And No Bake Recipes

Desserts In Jars - Easy Bake And No Bake Recipes
Desserts In Jars - Easy Bake And No Bake Recipes

Название:Desserts In Jars - Easy Bake And No Bake Recipes
Автор:Bonnie Scott
Издательство:Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Размер:4 mb
Desserts in Jars - Bake and No-Bake Recipes Desserts in Jars is the latest book in the collection of fun and easy, sure-to-please gift ideas from your kitchen. No matter what the occasion, a dessert is a welcome gift, and jars are the latest trend in home decor and food. Combine the two, and you've made a sure-fire dessert that will be a welcome addition to any gathering or event. Cakes, puddings, parfaits and more yummy desserts are all made and served in cute, retro-style Mason jars. These stylish serving dishes make perfect containers for any casual get together. Plus, they're sturdy and inexpensive, so you can make up a few or enough to serve the whole clan. Add the colorful, personalized labels that you can print online, and they're perfect for sending home with your guests at the end of the evening for a late night snack, compliments of you!

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Название:Desserts In Jars - Easy Bake And No Bake Recipes Автор:Bonnie Scott Издательство:Amazon Digital Services, Inc. Год:2014 Язык:английский Формат:epub Размер:4 mb Страниц:125 Desserts in Jars - Bake and No-Bake Recipes Desserts in Jars is the latest book in the collection of fun and easy, sure-to-please gift ideas from your kitchen. No matter what the occasion, a dessert is a welcome gift, and jars are the latest trend in home decor and food. Combine the two, and you've made a sure-fire dessert that will be a welcome addition to any gathering or event. Cakes, puddings, parfaits and more yummy desserts are all made and served in cute, retro-style Mason jars. These stylish serving dishes make perfect containers for any casual get together. Plus, they're sturdy and inexpensive, so you can make up a few or enough to serve the whole clan. Add the colorful, personalized labels that you can print online, and they're perfect for sending home with your guests at the end of the evening for a late night snack, compliments of you! скачать с Depositefiles скачать с

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