Sugar Orchids for Cakes (Sugarcraft and Cakes for All Occasions)
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Sugar Orchids for Cakes (Sugarcraft and Cakes for All Occasions)

Sugar Orchids for Cakes (Sugarcraft and Cakes for All Occasions)
Sugar Orchids for Cakes (Sugarcraft and Cakes for All Occasions)

Название: Sugar Orchids for Cakes(Sugarcraft and Cakes for All Occasions)
Издательство: Merehurst Limited; Hardcover with Jacket edition
CерияSugarcraft and Cakes for All Occasions
Автор: Alan Dunn
Год: May 15, 2003
Количество страниц:158
Размер:12,7 Mb
Exotic, beautiful, delicate orchids capture the imagination and provide simple style. Inspired by the wide range of blooms now available, three sugarcraft experts now show you how to recreate these lovely, etherel flowers as cake decorations.Celebrating the diversity of orchids from around the world, the flowers vary from vibrant red to subtle pink and the most striking pure white. Familiar favorites are combined with unusual, lesser known orchid varieties to provide a wealth of choice for every occasion.Over 20 projects provide ideas for sprays, bouquets, pot plants, and table arrangements.

The orchids decorate a range of celebration cakes from the traditional and contemporary wedding cakes to christening cakes, anniversary cakes and seasonal projects, such as Christmas and springtime.This stunning book, with its beautiful images and clear detailed instructions, is a must-have for all sugar flower makers, providing up-to-the-minute ideas on creating and displaying fashionable orchids.
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Название: Sugar Orchids for Cakes(Sugarcraft and Cakes for All Occasions) Издательство: Merehurst Limited; Hardcover with Jacket edition CерияSugarcraft and Cakes for All Occasions Автор: Alan Dunn Год: May 15, 2003 Количество страниц:158 Язык:English Формат:pdf Размер:12,7 Mb Exotic, beautiful, delicate orchids capture the imagination and provide simple style. Inspired by the wide range of blooms now available, three sugarcraft experts now show you how to recreate these lovely, etherel flowers as cake decorations.Celebrating the diversity of orchids from around the world, the flowers vary from vibrant red to subtle pink and the most striking pure white. Familiar favorites are combined with unusual, lesser known orchid varieties to provide a wealth of choice for every occasion.Over 20 projects provide ideas for sprays, bouquets, pot plants, and table arrangements. The orchids decorate a range of celebration cakes from the traditional and contemporary wedding cakes to christening cakes, anniversary cakes and seasonal projects, such as Christmas and springtime.This stunning book, with its beautiful images and clear detailed instructions, is a must-have for all sugar flower makers, providing up-to-the-minute ideas on creating and displaying fashionable orchids.

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