Cooking the Cowboy Way: Recipes Inspired by Campfires, Chuck Wagons, and Ranch Kitchens
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Cooking the Cowboy Way: Recipes Inspired by Campfires, Chuck Wagons, and Ranch Kitchens

Cooking the Cowboy Way: Recipes Inspired by Campfires, Chuck Wagons, and Ranch Kitchens
Cooking the Cowboy Way: Recipes Inspired by Campfires, Chuck Wagons, and Ranch Kitchens

Название:Cooking the Cowboy Way: Recipes Inspired by Campfires, Chuck Wagons, and Ranch Kitchens
Автор:Grady Spears, June Naylor, David Manning
Издательство:Skyhorse Publishing
Размер:26 mb
Life in the saddle, on the trail, and in the outback has forged a style of living that cowboy-turned-chef Grady Spears calls the Cowboy Way. It's a life where boots and hats are much more about function than fashion. It means that when you eat, drink, and breathe the tending of cattle, raising beef is not just some exercise where loss is charted on a spreadsheet. When your days are filled with the smells of fresh-cut hay and the creaking of worn leather, when you wake up with the sun and to the smell of coffee on the boil and biscuits from the chuck wagon, you are living the Cowboy Way.
Because cowboys spend long days outdoors in every kind of weather, sometimes for weeks at a time, satiating a cowboy's hunger is a challenge for ranch cooks from Texas to Florida, north into Canada, and south of the border into Mexico. This collection of almost one hundred recipes is not only the result of Grady's journey across North America, but also the cowboy's journey through history

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Название:Cooking the Cowboy Way: Recipes Inspired by Campfires, Chuck Wagons, and Ranch Kitchens Автор:Grady Spears, June Naylor, David Manning Издательство:Skyhorse Publishing Год:2009 Язык:английский Формат:epub Размер:26 mb Страниц:240 Life in the saddle, on the trail, and in the outback has forged a style of living that cowboy-turned-chef Grady Spears calls the Cowboy Way. It's a life where boots and hats are much more about function than fashion. It means that when you eat, drink, and breathe the tending of cattle, raising beef is not just some exercise where loss is charted on a spreadsheet. When your days are filled with the smells of fresh-cut hay and the creaking of worn leather, when you wake up with the sun and to the smell of coffee on the boil and biscuits from the chuck wagon, you are living the Cowboy Way. Because cowboys spend long days outdoors in every kind of weather, sometimes for weeks at a time, satiating a cowboy's hunger is a challenge for ranch cooks from Texas to Florida, north into Canada, and south of the border into Mexico. This collection of almost one hundred recipes is not only the result of Grady's journey across North America, but also the cowboy's journey through history Перевод инструкции от GoogleЖизнь в седле, на след, и в глубинке подделал образ жизни, что ковбой, ставший шеф-повар Грейди Спирс вызывает Cowboy Way. Это жизнь, где сапоги и шапки еще больше о функции, чем мода. Это значит, что, когда вы едите, пьете, и дышать уход за скотом, поднимая говядину это не попросту упражнение, где утраты наметили на таблицу. Когда ваши дни заполнены ароматами свежескошенной сена и скрип изношенной кожи, когда вы просыпаетесь с солнцем и ароматом кофе на кипения и печенье от Chuck Wagon, вы живете Ковбоя путь. Потому что ковбои провести длинные дни на открытом воздухе в всякую погоду, время от времени в течение нескольких недель, в то время, питая голод ковбоя является неувязкой для ранчо кулинаров из Техаса во Флориду, на север, в Канаду, и к югу от границы в Мексике. Эта коллекция практически 100 рецептов не совсем лишь результатом странствия Грейди всей Северной Америке, но и странствие в ковбоя в истории скачать с Depositefiles скачать с

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