Love Your Leftovers: Through Savvy Meal Planning Turn Classic Main Dishes into More Than 100 Delicious Recipes
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Love Your Leftovers: Through Savvy Meal Planning Turn Classic Main Dishes into More Than 100 Delicious Recipes

Love Your Leftovers: Through Savvy Meal Planning Turn Classic Main Dishes into More Than 100 Delicious Recipes
Love Your Leftovers: Through Savvy Meal Planning Turn Classic Main Dishes into More Than 100 Delicious Recipes

Название Love Your Leftovers: Through Savvy Meal Planning Turn Classic Main Dishes into More Than сто Delicious Recipes
Издательство:Lyons Press is an imprint of Globe Pequot Press.
Автор:Nick Evans
Количество страниц:288
Формат: pdf
Размер:8,9 Mb

Nick Evans philosophy is that homemade food is best and he is passionate about teaching people the value of a basic dish.

The meal planning method in this book features a foundation dish that can be transformed into numerous other dishes throughout the week, saving you time and money, and leaving you with an impressive array of weeknight meals.

This book will introduce you to dozens of possibilities for making your leftovers last, always striking the perfect balance between high quality food and low cost and effort.
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Название Love Your Leftovers: Through Savvy Meal Planning Turn Classic Main Dishes into More Than сто Delicious Recipes Издательство:Lyons Press is an imprint of Globe Pequot Press. Автор:Nick Evans Год:2014 Количество страниц:288 Язык:English Формат: pdf Размер:8,9 Mb Nick Evans philosophy is that homemade food is best and he is passionate about teaching people the value of a basic dish. The meal planning method in this book features a foundation dish that can be transformed into numerous other dishes throughout the week, saving you time and money, and leaving you with an impressive array of weeknight meals. This book will introduce you to dozens of possibilities for making your leftovers last, always striking the perfect balance between high quality food and low cost and effort.

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  «Прикоснись к тайнам настоящего и будущего,а также лечение народными способами и не традиционной медициной и многое полезное для вашего благополучия...»