Paleo Sweets and Treats: Seasonally Inspired Desserts that Let You Have Your Cake and Your Paleo Lifestyle, Too
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Paleo Sweets and Treats: Seasonally Inspired Desserts that Let You Have Your Cake and Your Paleo Lifestyle, Too

Paleo Sweets and Treats: Seasonally Inspired Desserts that Let You Have Your Cake and Your Paleo Lifestyle, Too
Paleo Sweets and Treats: Seasonally Inspired Desserts that Let You Have Your Cake and Your Paleo Lifestyle, Too

Название:Paleo Sweets and Treats: Seasonally Inspired Desserts that Let You Have Your Cake and Your Paleo Lifestyle, Too
Издательство: Faer Winds
Автор:Heather Connell
Год: 24 May 2014
Количество страниц:176
Формат: pdf
Размер:33,2 Mb

The Paleo diet has swept the nation as a huge nutritional and lifestyle trend that many have embraced.

The question is what is the modern dessert lover to do when traditional baking ingredients such as flours, grains, dairy, and sugar are off the table?Never fear-you can have your cake and your Paleo lifestyle too!
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Название:Paleo Sweets and Treats: Seasonally Inspired Desserts that Let You Have Your Cake and Your Paleo Lifestyle, Too Издательство: Faer Winds Автор:Heather Connell Год: 24 May 2014 Количество страниц:176 Язык:English Формат: pdf Размер:33,2 Mb The Paleo diet has swept the nation as a huge nutritional and lifestyle trend that many have embraced. The question is what is the modern dessert lover to do when traditional baking ingredients such as flours, grains, dairy, and sugar are off the table?Never fear-you can have your cake and your Paleo lifestyle too!

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