The Vegan Cookbook: Feed your Soul, Taste the Love: 100 of the Best Vegan Recipes

Название:The Vegan Cookbook: Feed your Soul, Taste the Love: сто of the Best Vegan Recipes
Автор:Adele McConnell
Год: 2014
Количество страниц:176
Размер:36,1 Mb
Adele McConnell brings a fresh, inspired look to plant-based food, showing just how satisfying, dynamic and undeniably delicious contemporary vegan cooking can be. The beautifully photographed recipes make the most of a wide variety of fresh ingredients, drawing inspiration from cuisines around the world to help you create healthy, balanced meals effortlessly. McConnell proves once and for all that there’s no need to sacrifice flavor to eat animal-free. She creates her stylish, mouth-watering dishes with innovative techniques and nutrient-packed ingredients, including whole grains and protein sources such as pulses, nuts, tempeh and tofu.
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Название:The Vegan Cookbook: Feed your Soul, Taste the Love: сто of the Best Vegan Recipes Автор:Adele McConnell Год: 2014 Количество страниц:176 Язык:English Формат:EPUB Размер:36,1 Mb Adele McConnell brings a fresh, inspired look to plant-based food, showing just how satisfying, dynamic and undeniably delicious contemporary vegan cooking can be. The beautifully photographed recipes make the most of a wide variety of fresh ingredients, drawing inspiration from cuisines around the world to help you create healthy, balanced meals effortlessly. McConnell proves once and for all that there’s no need to sacrifice flavor to eat animal-free. She creates her stylish, mouth-watering dishes with innovative techniques and nutrient-packed ingredients, including whole grains and protein sources such as pulses, nuts, tempeh and tofu.