Weber’s Burgers, Sausages & More: Over 160 Barbecue Favourites

Название: Weber’s Burgers, Sausages & More: Over 160 Barbecue Favourites
Автор: Jamie Purnce
Издательство: Hamlyn
Год: 2015
ISBN-10: 0600630080
Язык: британский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 29 mb
Страниц: 256
From the world's leading authority on grilling, Weber's Big Book of Burgers goes beyond the bun with over 80 inventive burger recipes, from the Four-Alarm Jalapeno Cheeseburgers to the Smoked Chicken Burgers with Bacon and Blue Cheese. Whether you're craving beef, pork, lamb, poultry or seafood, or want to go completely meatless, you're guaranteed to find a burger for you. You'll also find recipes for sizzling sausages, brats hot dogs, sides, and drinks to serve alongside.
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Название: Weber’s Burgers, Sausages