Ripailles: Traditional French Cuisine
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Ripailles: Traditional French Cuisine

Ripailles: Traditional French Cuisine
Ripailles: Traditional French Cuisine

Название:Ripailles: Traditional French Cuisine
Автор:Stephane Reynaud
Издательство:Murdoch Books
Размер:51 mb
Страниц:480 в бум. варианте
Parisian chef Stphane Reynaud writes beautiful recipes that stretch from simple home cooking to fanciful dishes. In Ripailles French for Feasts he presents the best of the French kitchen and delves into the very roots of French cuisine. Ripailles is gorgeously designed and is bursting with photographs and whimsical illustrations. More than just a cookbook, its a treasure to adore. Key points: 299 recipes with over 250 images; interspersed with wonderful cultural information of French regions; best-selling author of Pork & Sons, winner of the 2006 French Cookbook Award

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Название:Ripailles: Traditional French Cuisine Автор:Stephane Reynaud Издательство:Murdoch Books Год:2015 ISBN-10:1743366329 Язык:английский Формат:pdf Размер:51 mb Страниц:480 в бум. варианте Parisian chef Stphane Reynaud writes beautiful recipes that stretch from simple home cooking to fanciful dishes. In Ripailles French for Feasts he presents the best of the French kitchen and delves into the very roots of French cuisine. Ripailles is gorgeously designed and is bursting with photographs and whimsical illustrations. More than just a cookbook, its a treasure to adore. Key points: 299 recipes with over 250 images; interspersed with wonderful cultural information of French regions; best-selling author of Pork

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