New York Cult Recipes
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New York Cult Recipes

New York Cult Recipes
New York Cult Recipes

Название:New York Cult Recipes
Автор:Marc Grossman
Издательство:Murdoch Books
Размер:99,42 mb
Страниц:274 в бум. варианте
Discover 130 recipes that uncover the real taste of New York and unlock the secrets of the city's cult food establishments. Learn the secret to creating authentic New York classics; bagels, cheesecake, cheeseburgers, pancakes, pork buns, cookies, smoothies, tuna melts, BLTs, byalis, mac & cheese...It's all here complete with fabulous photos of the local hotspots. Brimming with delicious food and gorgeous photography of the city that never sleeps, New York Cult Recipes is this is more than a cookbook - it's a love song to New York.

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Название:New York Cult Recipes Автор:Marc Grossman Издательство:Murdoch Books Год:2013 ISBN-10:1743369727 Язык:английский Формат:epub Размер:99,42 mb Страниц:274 в бум. варианте Discover 130 recipes that uncover the real taste of New York and unlock the secrets of the city's cult food establishments. Learn the secret to creating authentic New York classics; bagels, cheesecake, cheeseburgers, pancakes, pork buns, cookies, smoothies, tuna melts, BLTs, byalis, mac

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  «Прикоснись к тайнам настоящего и будущего,а также лечение народными способами и не традиционной медициной и многое полезное для вашего благополучия...»