The Mindfulness Cookbook

Название:The Mindfulness Cookbook
Автор:Patricia Collard, Helen Stephenson
Размер: mb
Mindfulness is the new attitude to living. Being aware of what you eat will not only help you appreciate every mouthful, but reward you and heal your food issues.
There's no dieting, calorie-counting or fasting - by changing your approach to feeding yourself, you can tune in to your "body wisdom" and begin to eat less of what you don't need, while filling up on nourishing foods that help you reach the weight you'll be happy with for life.
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Название:The Mindfulness Cookbook Автор:Patricia Collard, Helen Stephenson Издательство:Hamlyn Год:2015 ISBN-10:060063261X Язык:английский Формат:epub Размер: mb Страниц:239 Mindfulness is the new attitude to living. Being aware of what you eat will not only help you appreciate every mouthful, but reward you and heal your food issues. There's no dieting, calorie-counting or fasting - by changing your approach to feeding yourself, you can tune in to your "body wisdom" and begin to eat less of what you don't need, while filling up on nourishing foods that help you reach the weight you'll be happy with for life. скачать с скачать с