The Gardener & the Grill: The Bounty of the Garden Meets the Sizzle of the Grill
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The Gardener & the Grill: The Bounty of the Garden Meets the Sizzle of the Grill

The Gardener & the Grill: The Bounty of the Garden Meets the Sizzle of the Grill
The Gardener & the Grill: The Bounty of the Garden Meets the Sizzle of the Grill

Автор: Karen Adler, Judith Fertig
Название: The Gardener & the Grill: The Bounty of the Garden Meets the Sizzle of the Grill
Издательство: Running Press
Год: 2012
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 224
Размер: 14.4 MB
Язык: Английский
ISBN: 0762441119
Для сайта:

From garden to grill to fork, nothing tastes better than freshly harvested vegetables grilled to perfection alongside savory meats and plump grilled fruits. The Gardener & the Grill is the grilling guide for gardeners, seasonal eaters, and “flexitarians” everywhere, and anyone enamored of the powers of the grill—not just during the summer months, but all year long.

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Автор: Karen Adler, Judith Fertig Название: The Gardener

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